About Get That Deed, Wilmington, NC

HomeAbout Get That Deed, Wilmington, NC

We are here to help and guide you with buying your first home.

Our project, Get That Deed, came into being when Brenda Dixon, our founder, awoke one morning in 2013 feeling as though she had “a divine download in the middle of the night.” She found that as she slept, the entire concept, including what to do, how to do it, and how to get the movement going, was fully developed in her mind. She headed out into the Wilmington, North Carolina community and told everyone she came in contact with that “no matter your current finances, in 18 months or less, you can be a homeowner!”

After being the owner of Dixon Realty and a full-time real estate agent since 1991, Brenda saw many hardworking families struggle to keep housing within their budget. In our coastal areas, especially over the last few years, it has become less expensive monthly to own rather than to rent. The rental amounts have increased, but the wages have not gone up to off-set these increases. Thus, affordable housing has become anything but affordable for many families. The Get That Deed program exists to give the working family not only hope but help and guidance, so they can stop signing leases and start recording deeds.

Yes, DEEDS with an “s.” It all starts with the first one, but many families will desire and obtain more. We are on a mission and forming alliances with employers who care, with community organizations and leaders and with other real estate agents who have big hearts and care about our community as we do is the key. Together ALL OF US will help these families achieve the American Dream. We know it is still a dream for many; they just need a little help to make it their reality.

We proudly serve future homeowners throughout North Carolina and the rest of the country.

Testimonials that prove that you can be a homeowner